Earlier, the Bengaluru South MP had criticized the Congress-led state government’s continuous delay in starting the KR Puram-Byyappanahalli metro line.
The Purple Line Metro is starting its full-time operations in Bengaluru, a major step towards enhancing the public transport system in the IT hub known for its notorious traffic jams. Bengaluru South MP Tejaswi Surya said that public transport is the only solution to the city traffic congestion and requested the passengers to give priority to it.
Hours after two stretches of the Purple Line, Krishnarajapuram – Baiyappanahalli and Kengeri – Chaillaghatta, were inaugurated on Monday morning, Surya shared a video of the road being clogged with traffic while the metro was flowing freely on top. In one, it is an important reminder that the solution to traffic congestion is not to build more roads, but to build reliable and affordable public transport infrastructure.
Tejaswi Surya thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for taking care of the Purple Line. “Without any ceremonial opening, BMRCL has started its services for the first time ever, thanks to the direction from PM Modi and MoHUA who told BMRCL not to delay for any VIP inauguration,” Surya said.
Earlier, the Bengaluru South MP had criticized the Congress-led state government’s continuous delay in starting the KR Puram-Byyappanahalli metro line. “About 5 to 6 lakh people use the Bengaluru Metro every day, if the Baiyappanahalli-KR Puram metro section opens, 50-60 per cent of this number is sure to benefit. The state government is expected to get all the nods and despite the green signal for this, the opening of the line has been delayed even after its inspection by the CMRS. Surya said doing it.
He alleged that the state government was waiting for a Congress leader to come for the inauguration. However, the state government is not opening the operation to the public because Rahul Gandhi or other Congress leaders will come and inaugurate it, he said.
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