Google Doodle Honors Altina Schinasi: Visionary Cat-Eye Frame Innovator

Altina Schinasi

Today, Google is showing up with a special doodle. In fact, today is the birthday of Altina Schinasi, the designer of cat-eye frames and the American designer who revolutionized the eyewear market. She recognized her talent from an early age, but her life took a U-turn when she started her career as a window dresser in an eyeglass shop.

Google celebrates cat-eye frame designer Altina Schinasi’s birthday

Google is an important part of our daily lives; when we want to get any information, we directly Google it. However, sometimes this Google looks different and more attractive, it is called a Google Doodle.

In fact, to honor a famous person, Google makes a special doodle on their birthday or death anniversary. Even today, the Google search engine exists in different incarnations. Google is celebrating the birthday of American artist, designer, and inventor Altina Schinasi today.

In such a situation, the question of who this woman is and what Google has made a special wish for has arisen in people’s minds.

Who is Altina Schinasi?

Altina Schinasi is a famous American artist, designer, and inventor. In fact, She is known for her outstanding contribution to fashion and eyewear design. She introduced the Harlequin eyeglass frames that are popular all over the world today. This popular eye frame by Altina Schinasi is popularly known as the ‘Cat-Eye’ frame.

Interested in art since childhood

Altina’s birth date was August 4, 1907, in New York City. She loved art from a young age. She began her artistic career in Paris, and she made significant contributions to cinema and style. She passed away on August 19, 1999.

Art fascinated Altina from a young age, and she followed her dream of becoming a painter in Paris after finishing her education. She further honed her talent at The Art Students League in New York.

Got the opportunity to collaborate with many famous people

A major turning point in her life came when she worked as a window dresser for several stores on Fifth Avenue and had the opportunity to collaborate with famous artists such as Salvador Dali and George Grosz. From here, she impressed everyone with her artistic vision and learned a lot.

How did the idea for the ‘cat’s eye’ frame come about?

Altina Schinasi came up with the idea for the ‘cat’s eye’ frame while working as a window dresser. She saw that women didn’t have a large selection of eyeglass frames, so she started working on it. Altina created the first prototype of the Cat Eye Frame, inspired by the harlequin mask worn during the Carnevale festival in Venice, Italy.

Gained popularity between 1930-1940

She faced a lot of difficulties in the beginning, but after some discoveries, she was given a chance. The first prototype was done on paper, but when she built her first frame, it became a hit. Her Harlequin glasses became immensely popular between the 1930s and 1940s. Even today, people love cat eye frames in the eyewear market.

American Design Award Winner

Altina was awarded the prestigious Lord & Taylor American Design Award in 1939 for this cat’s eye frame. Altina has been recognized by some magazines as a leader in the world of eyewear fashion.



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